Chris Wodke
Team CMT Founder
All you have to know about Chris Wodke’s determination to find a cure for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) is to learn about a life-changing moment in her life.
“When I was in graduate school for engineering I had to take a Thermodynamics class that required mathematically solving the laws of the physical science and its affect on material bodies. We were presented pages upon pages of equations, which had to be dissected to prove theories for our homework.”
Also part of the class requirement was to meet with the class professor each week to review our assignments. One day he said to me, ‘Christine you get so close to solving the problem, but then you quit.”
“I have never forgotten that comment. Whether it is finishing a race or solving a problem at work, I make sure I don’t give up too soon. I always remember his words when things get tough and I want to quit. I might be really close to the solution or the end of the race and his words keep me moving toward solutions.”
A Milwaukee native, who was diagnosed in 2010 with CMT, the 67-year-old Wodke not only puts many Baby Boomer women to shame with her physical fitness, but she maintains it all while fighting side-effects of CMT that include structural and muscular challenges that include bouts of tripping, burning sensations in her feet and atrophy.
One of seven children and two with CMT, the We Energies retiree stops at nothing to make people aware of the disease while putting her best feet forward whether she’s running in Iceland or kayaking in New Zealand, her favorite place to travel.
Wodke’s accomplilshed two major goals in 2012. She placed 2nd in the Mobility Impaired divison of the Boston Marathon and finished 1st in the Physically Challenged Open Division of the Paratriathlon National Sprint Championship in Austin Texas. She placed 2nd in the same race in 2013. She was on the Boston course in 2013 when the bombs exploded.

“We run for those who can’t.”
Most people with CMT can’t run and struggle with everyday tasks like buttoning buttons, opening jars and walking. I was told more than once that someone with CMT can’t run or should not exercise too hard. We have 20 members of Team CMT affected by this disorder. They bike, run, walk and do triathlons for those that can’t. I am proud to be the team founder and leader. Team members run for family and friends affected by CMT.
Watch My USA Triathalon Foundation Interview VideoNational Championships
- PC Open Paratriathlon National Champion 2012 and 2014
- PC Open Sprint Duathlon 2014
- PC Open Aquathlon 2015
- PC Open Long Course Duathlon 2015
- PC Open Aqua Bike 2016
- PC Open Long Distance Triathlon 2017
- PC Open National Aquathlon Championship, Miami 1st Physically 2019 Challenged
- First Responder National Champsion 2022
- PC Open Aquathlon National Champion 2022
- Duathlon All American 2022
- Winter Triathlon National Championship 2023
- PC Open Aquathlon National Champion 2023
- Open Gravel Duathlon National Champion F 65-69 2023
- PC Open Winter Duathlon National Champion 2024
- PC Open Gravel Triathlon National Championship 2024
- All American Para-triathlon 2017
- USA Triathlon Ambassador 2018 and 2019
- Wisconsin Senior Olympics Ambassador 2018 and 2019
- 2019 All American Para-Duathlon
- 2019 All American Para-Aquathlon
- National Ski Patrol Subaru Ambassador 2020
- USA Triathlon Ambassador powered by Newton Running 2020
- 2020-2023 USA Triathlon Foundation Ambassador
- 2023 Aquathlon National Championship, Irving Texas
- Winter World Duathlon Championship, SkiKampen Bronze Medal